The kitchen is one of the highest energy usage areas in the home, and required the most monitoring devices and also a central control panel to monitor and control the energy usage.

  • 1 x SwitchBot temperature and humidy sensor
  • 1 x Emporia Energy Monitor
  • 1 x LED Ceiling Light
  • 4 x LED bulb (Bayonet)


Emporia Smart Home Energy Monitor with 16 50A Circuit Level Sensors | Real Time Electricity Monitor/Meter | Solar/Net Metering

I ordered this to gain valuable data on what power the house was using and where.

Once I had got a base reading, I was able to look at high energy usage items and time of day use to reduce the amount of energy I was wasting every day.

After my analysis and actions taken, I reduced my energy consumption around 25% per day.

Areas monitored by circuit:

  1. Electric Shower
  2. Cooker
  3. Socket Ring
  4. Left Sockets
  5. Right Sockets
  6. Right Down Stairs Sockets
  7. Upstairs Lights
  8. Left Down Stairs Lights
  9. Solar and Batteries

Smartbot Temperature & Humidity Sensor

As winter approached it was important to monitor the homes temperature and humidity to reveal if there were any issues with heat escaping or high humidity causing damp and mould.