The kitchen is one of the highest energy usage areas in the home, and required the most monitoring devices and also a central control panel to monitor and control the energy usage.

  • 1 x SwitchBot temperature and humidy sensor
  • 1 x Flic Button (for lighting)
  • 2 x Led Bulbs
  • Under bed led strip lighting
  • 1 x Echo Flex


Smart Bulb, WiFi LED E27 Edison Light Bulbs, Dimmable White and RGB Color Changing, 10W

These bulbs were installed to replace the two 60w bulbs to reduce energy usage and costs. Instead of using 120w of energy to light the room, they are now on a dimmer setting and use less than 10w.

Motion Activated Under Bed Lights

These light strips were installed under the bed with motion sensors so that if you needed to exit the bed during the night, they would be triggered and provide gentle light.

The light is bright enough for you to see where you are going, but not too bright to wake you up completly.

Flic button

This button was installed to control the overheadboard smart bulbs.

Simple one click for on, and two clicks for off.


Smartbot Temperature & Humidity Sensor

As winter approached it was important to monitor the homes temperature and humidity to reveal if there were any issues with heat escaping or high humidity causing damp and mould.

Echo Flex 

This is a cheap amazon voice assistant added to the room to allow for voice control of the smart home from this area.